Saturday, March 21, 2009


Obviously, appearances matter a great deal. How we LOOK almost certainly determines the station, at least at first glance, we take in life and how our peers treat us. It would be folly to assume that the grossly fat or the monstrously hideous could as easily achieve the same as the slim or the tall or the beautiful. Such is life. Appearances count for much more than many would care to believe. Superficial? Yes. It's not a bad thing through. But then there are those who argue against this, claiming it is "unjust" and "plain wrong darnit". I wonder, if the majority of humanity feels it to be true, is it not just? Isn't what the amalgamation of many minds perceive more true than the fluff a hideous minority musters? Of course. The majority determines our reality. And thankfully it has a pretty face. As for the dissenters' delusions: nothing more than pathetic pseudo-egalitarianism. A sad, pig-headed notion of a sense of "higher order" for those with deformed, broken dreams. Everyone equal, nothing to distinguish us but our sparkling personalities. Laughable. Nature has done this for a reason, genetically. To keep us strong.


Tats! said...

that is why i consider becoming an cosmetic plastic surgeon.

...but i'd probably just be a GP due to pressing demand for me. i already know my market.

Matthew P said...

But fugly people have feeelings toooooooooo!

AmeliaLove said...

This post is extremely funny,

coming from a B E A U T I F U L person like you, right?

Tiny poker eyes and all.

FUX said...

slut, update.

yvonen s. said...

i will keep commenting until you acknowledge my existence

another_rebel said...

Damn it, I keep forgetting you have this.

We are the world and all that lovey dovey shit. Us pretty people shouldn't bother ourselves with the plights of the average.

Henry SchwarzKapelle said...

genetics almost determine everythn...superficial is no way 2 escape from this.sum ppl r lucky 2 b bestowed.but depends on determination individually n hw human carry n present themself.look at kim jing-il.he's nt despised at all,but respected by his ppl